Tuesday, May 11, 2010

South Africa here we come…

We just arrived back in Harpenden from Manchester and now have four days to prepare and debrief before our 11 hour flight to South Africa. We are getting really excited. The last two weeks have been some of the most rewarding and challenging times so far in England. I know for the guys, living in such close quarters has really tested our patients toward each other. It has definitely been a learning experience to say the least.

Practically, as we said before, we worked with a Brazilian church in the projects of Manchester. This involved coaching local kids, playing soccer against a bunch of guys from Angola, helping at a local rec center, putting on a fun day with face painting and games at a local park, praying and really interceding on behalf of the community, and many other things. In the church we did a lot of work with the youth, talking with them, having a sleepover night, and really just building relationships with them and sharing our faith with them if the opportunity came up. For me I also got a chance to give a fifteen minute talk in front of the church. It was a great experience. I talked about 1 Thess 5:17, pray without ceasing, and what that means practically for a person’s life. I mainly focused on different parts of my testimony and verses that support the idea of praying about everything and anything and how nothing is too small to bring to God. I felt like it went really well and God really spoke through me. These two weeks really taught us both a lot and we are really exited to see what South Africa will bring.

Please be praying for us and we promise to try and update you as much as we can. Thanks to everyone for your prayers and support!!