Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The End!

We are finally done! These past six months have been some of the most challenging and rewarding times of our lives. We really feel we have grown a lot as people and are ready for the next thing God has for us, whatever that may be. Gina will be working with YWAM for at least another six months, continuing to lead young people, as well as helping pioneer the local sports outreach around Harpenden and Luton. I am heading back to Seattle and will begin to look for a job. Both of us our excited to see what God will do through us and for where He will direct us next. We can not say enough how much we appreciate all your prayers and support.
As for the rest of our time in South Africa. It went really well. The group we were in were able to go into a local farm and work with kids ranging from age 6 to 18. We had free reign to do whatever we wanted, from dodge ball to bible stories we worked with them each day during the world cup. It was amazing to see how much of an impact we were able to make in such a short time. Everyone in the community were so appreciative, which really encouraged us as a group. I could go on for pages with stories and experiences we had, hopefully we will get a chance to share with each of you individually soon.
One last specific prayer request, if you can pray for Gina's finances she would greatly appreciate it. Living by faith for finances is not always the easiest and can often be very humbling. If you feel at all lead or would like to give to her you can contact her at Thanks again for everything! and I hope you enjoyed our blog!