Friday, January 22, 2010

Hello America!

I made it! I arrived in England yesterday just in time for my little cousins birthday party. It was perfect, I got to see almost all of my family all at once. I have another week before I go to the base to start my DTS. Before that I have a few things planned. Tomorrow Gina is coming down and we are going to go into London for the day (hopefully we will have some pictures up of that soon). Wednesday I am going to visit my aunt and uncle in Scotland for a couple days. I am also trying to get tickets to a Watford soccer game but that might not be until later next month. Other than that I am just anxiously awaiting the start of the school. Thank you for all your prayers.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


hello everyone! I arrived in Harpenden, England on Friday, January 7th to a whole lot of snow, and the snow has continued to hang around. Its very beautiful but very cold at the same time. I'm hoping to get a picture up soon before it melts away. Anyway I spent my first couple of days getting over jet lag and settling into my new "flat." I'm going to be living with two other girls one of which is here and the other should be arriving on Friday I think. So far this week I've been attending orientation type things, lasting all day and although they are long most of the things I'm taking in are important for me to know as a resident on the base and member of this community. I will be sure to post a more exciting blog soon.... but for now I just wanted you all to know I'm here and safe and loving it! -Gina